The award-winning The Blockchain and Us is the first documentary film about blockchain technology. It has screened internationally, including in Davos at the World Economic Forum, in Melbourne at the Transitions Film Festival, in Vienna at the Open Everything Film Festival (winner best documentary short), in Amsterdam at the Fraude Film Festival, in London at the Everyman Theatre and at Coinscrum, in Minneapolis at the Analytics and Financial Innovation Conference (AXFI), in Zurich at Tech Tuesday, and in Tokyo at the Swiss Chamber of Commerce an Industry in Japan (SCCIJ). The film has been translated in Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese.

Some think the blockchain is mostly hype, others believe it will change the world as we know it. True is: The history of the blockchain has just begun, and its final outcome lies in the future. Manuel Stagars portrays this exciting technology in twenty interviews with software developers, cryptologists, researchers, entrepreneurs, consultants, VCs, authors, politicians, and futurists from the United States, Canada, Switzerland, the UK, and Australia.

How can the blockchain benefit the economies of nations? Will it change society? What does this mean for each of us? The Blockchain and Us is no explainer video of the technology. It gives a view on the topic, makes it accessible and starts a conversation about its potential wider implications in a non-technical way. The film deliberately poses more questions than it answers. For a deep dive, video interviews and clips from the documentary stream online in short and long versions on

With his previous film FinTech Made in Switzerland (2016), Manuel made the first documentary about the FinTech ecosystem in Switzerland. It consists of over forty conversations with startup founders, innovators in the financial sector, banks, regulators, politicians, financial experts, and opinion leaders. All these conversations are online on the website of the film. With The Blockchain And Us, Manuel extends his FinTech research to the pioneers in blockchain and their expectations for the impact of the technology on the lives of people around the world.

Official film website with more information and links to see the film: